Information, Advice & Guidance

Our team provides Information, Advice and guidance on topics such as:

  • Employment, education, and training, including job information and courses.
  • Limitations that affect your choices for example, skills, experience, financial and housing situations.
  • Personal issues such as; health, relationships and discrimination.

With our expert advice and guidance, understanding and positive attitude, you will be able to:

  • identify realistic but ambitious career and learning options that suit you
  • make better, positive decisions and be clear about your next steps
  • make sure you have a well-informed plan about your future career, job, education and/or training
  • develop your skills, such as communication and decision making, as well as identify other skills, such as practical, IT and job-related skills you will need
  • build up your confidence and motivation about your future
  • reduce the chances of you dropping out of education, training or work
  • recognise that career planning is a continual lifelong process, one in which our careers advisers are there to guide you.